Monday, January 25, 2010

The Immortal Empire

Synthesizing man and machine molecules, the secret societies of the Immortal cyborganics now rule Planet Earth from their lofty invisible flying citadels, defying "death" and gravity as they ascend to the stars, exponentially compounding and combining their grand intelligences into ever more complicated meta-mental "superentities", setting new standards of the philosophy of hubris.

The Chimaericals

Chimaericals- The accidental mutations arisen from Nanobionic technologies created for the immortal humans ONLY, yet like a virus some of the artificially intelligent strains have "malfunctioned", allowing DNA mingling between disparate species to create mutant hybrids, in some cases imperiling entire ecosystems...and yet life marches on...

This particular evolutionary hybrid is known popularly as "The Bitterling", an eleven-foot tall, 2,000 lb consumer.

The Ferals

The ferals are free-willed chimaerical mutations who resist the power of the Immortal State and The Collective. Wild and rebellious, the ferals struggle against all who would oppress their tribal society they call "The Hidden"...

Far Out Space

This one of the Psychic Overlords of Far Out Space, whose thoughts are faster than light, whose unfathomable minds desire to entertainment complicated entertainment derived from driving intelligent beings insane with their mystical conundrums, messages sent through the timeless psychic dreamspace.